An online lexicon of the Swahili language based on the six-volume dictionary, A dictionary of the Swahili language, edited by Mzee Morino Tsuneo and Nassor Nakazima Hisasi, published from ILCAA in 1990–97.
Meanings of the signs, marks, and abbreviations used in the database are as follows.
-: Adjectival stems (those obligatorily marked by an agreement marker)
#: Adjectival stems (those require no agreement marker)
+: verbal stems
=: other predicative/pronominal stems (those obligatorily marked by a verbal agreement marker)
Homonyms, including those with different word class properties, are distinguished by superscript numbers that appear to the right of each entry.
[]: Reference code
$: Stem forms
☞: See
%: Relevant items
=: Synonyms
¥: Antonyms
/ /: Line breaks in poetry
< >: Semantic annotations of the imediately preceding word/phrase
( ): Direct/supplementary explanations about the imediately preceding word/phrase
{ }: Indirect explanations about the imediately preceding word/phrase
ex.: Example
kny.: Antonym (kinyume)
phr.: Phrase
col.: Collocation
pvb.: Proverb
rdl.: Riddle
sst.: Superstition
N.B. All examples are shown in Italics and those not indicated by 'eg.' are enclosed by '~'.
*Arb.: Arabic
*Eng.: English
*Fre.: French
*Hindi/*Kihindi: Hindi, Indian languages
*Per.: Persian
*Por.: Portuguese
*Tur.: Turkish
*dial.: (Unspecified) Swahili dialect
*Kiamu.: Lamu dialect
*Kijizirat.: Jizirat dialect
*Kimvita.: Mombasa dialect
*Kitikuu.: Tikuu dialect
*Kiunguja.: Unguja dialect